Join the 7,465 people who have already benefitted from Roger Baden-Powell’s business advice and expert guidance

Are you done with struggling to get financial backing for your business?

Are you sick of rejections from banks and investors who don’t understand your business plan … or who don’t WANT to understand it?

Are you tired of explaining your idea again to someone who just can’t see the investment potential?

Introducing a comprehensive programme of training videos that shows you EXACTLY what you need to do … and what you should avoid!

  • Discover why a business plan written to manage your business is NOT the same as one used to raise finance. You MUST know this difference, before even writing ONE WORD on paper.
  • Know EXACTLY what potential investors really want, so it looks like you are “reading their minds” – without actually being telepathic
  • How helping bankers progress their career actually helps you
  • Recognise when professional advisors are a waste of time and money (this answer might ruffle some feathers – it usually does…)
  • Asking for a non-disclosure agreement can protect your business ideas – but asking for an NDA in the wrong way can make your investor say “I’m out!”

These videos will give you the exact steps you need to create a persuasive business plan

They are full of easy-to-digest and actionable advice that, once you put into practice, will massively increase your chances of getting the funding you need

I’m Roger Baden-Powell.

During my 30 year career in the City of London as a corporate advisor and investment
banker, I’ve written and read hundreds of business plans.

Consequently I’ve got a very precise idea of how a business plan should be written in order to raise equity capital, secure a bank loan, sell a company or pursue a management buyout.

But Wait A Minute…
Because You’re New Around Here, I’m Going To Give You The
“I’ve Just Found You, Roger” Special Price
And Offer You This Mega-Video Series For Only £97


Don’t pay the full price of £249. Use the coupon code “roger97” at the checkout to claim your massive discount

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Why should I trust you?

Good question. The best evidence is the hundreds of comments and testimonials from previous satisfied customers. Here are just a few:

Very structured and profound coverage of the topic.
Very structured and profound coverage of the topic.
The information provided and the quality of the presenter helped clear some key points up in my understanding.
The information provided and the quality of the presenter helped clear some key points up in my understanding.
Covered off all the key points in exactly the required level of detail.
Covered off all the key points in exactly the required level of detail.
Lecturer's knowledge of subject & delivery of material was excellent & at just the correct pace.
Lecturer's knowledge of subject & delivery of material was excellent & at just the correct pace.
Explanations are clear, concise and easy to understand.
Explanations are clear, concise and easy to understand.
Speaker very knowledgeable.
Speaker very knowledgeable.

2) I’ve read books on “How to Write a Business Plan” Why is this training series different?

Because I’ve seen business plans from both sides – I’ve helped write plenty as a corporate adviser and I’ve read hundreds as an investment banker

My comprehensive insight has been acquired through years of experience – some of it painful!

You can get the benefit of my extensive experience without any of the pain it took me to get it

There is ZERO RISK for you

My promise to you is bold but simple:

If you implement the strategies we’ll be covering in the “How to Write a Persuasive & Effective Business Plan” video series, your business plan will generate enthusiasm and interest from your financial backers

This video training course is a worthwhile investment in yourself and your business

If you disagree, I’ll refund your purchase in full, no questions asked

30 Money Back Guarantee

Use the coupon code “roger97” at the checkout to claim your massive discount – pay only £97 instead £247